Authorization for Athena’s Confidential Aid via the Powers of Nova Fortuna
Strictly reserved for
- Confirmed date of birth:
Answer expected by June 8th.
Dear Athena, I know you’re watching over me, and that you’re outraged by my situation. I know I can count on your benevolence and your powers to help me.
I didn’t know I had a Magic Number linked to my date of birth, and as luck would have it, the Celestial Powers have put you in my path to unlock unsuspected powers thanks to a Secret of Luck and Universal Wealth.
The letter you’ve written me personally is providential, and I intend to take advantage of this opportunity to finally follow the path of happiness and wealth.
Thank you for your intervention, which I hope will be as swift as possible:
- Send me NOVA FORTUNA once you’ve prepared and activated it, so that I may have plenty of opportunities for about 240 days starting on June 8th.
- Send me a few simple instructions to help me make the most of this opportunity.
- You have also decided to give me a gift – the CALENDAR WITH MY LUCKY DAYS over 240 days linked to my Magic Number.
- Finally, reveal my LUCKY NUMBERS for the same period.
- Dear Athena, I’m well aware of the work all this entails.
- I also know that you don’t want any financial barrier to stand between me and my happiness. So, in return for your help, I’m happy to give you a modest compensation of US$59.95.